It's not blank!

Victoria DeGaine, writes about her life.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Earth i) As a Womb

With relation to my last post, there- The reason I say, "this is not Victoria", is because I have not been living up to my full potential.

I'm angry and I'm frustrated because this is something I thought I would never be again. Yet- here I am and the wounds have been re-opened and I am living my life as some sick joke! Hah. I won't even say it. The contradictions of what has made my identity.

I am sick to death of it.

How easily I forget how powerful I am- how strong, I can be. How lucky I am. I don't belong here and I never did.

I am now the woman I was meant to be. Tomorrow I will begin what it took me this whole life to learn. I will show you all, how great I am.

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